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AMA's Vision

AMA is non-profit, non-governmental, and non-religious organization that is dedicated to helping the underprivileged students and educators of Vietnam.  We at AMA believe that we can improve the quality of education by inspiring one student / teacher at a time. We want to support and inspire prospective and existing teachers to new heights.


Despite their economic hardships, low pay, and lack of recognition, we want to see our teachers remain as motivated and passionate educators for their students.


Teaching is also one of the lowest paid professions in the country, which creates a vicious cycle for teachers in the local system where they face motivational issues and may eventually leave their jobs for higher pay in another profession. We at AMA want to break this cycle for dedicated teachers by financially supporting, mentoring, and developing them together with our local university partners. By supporting and empowering the teachers in our program, we strive to create positive impact for the students in their classrooms, thereby leading to a higher quality education and exponential returns for students and donors.

AMA's Mission

Our core mission at AMA is to identify motivated prospective and existing teachers and inspire them to keep teaching with passion and care for their students. We target existing and prospective teachers who are dedicated but financially poor. AMA’s program provides them with scholarship money, mentoring initiatives, and ad hoc training services during their university life.


We want our recipients to be well-supported and equipped to deal with the challenges they face when they enter the real world in their teaching profession.


We at AMA also want to identify and support other educational programs in Vietnam that are external to AMA, but whose goals are properly aligned with our values and mission of advancing education in meaningful ways.   One example is Phuoc Thien Non-Profit Primary School in District 7 of Ho Chi Minh City, where AMA provides financial support and other services to the school so that it can stay sustainable and keep serving its 60-70 students who come from extremely difficult backgrounds.

Core Values & Principles

  • Ensure that AMA’s purpose remains relevant and valid to AMA’s mission to support education.

  • Maintain sufficient infrastructure and finances necessary to pursue AMA’s mission.

  • Make sure the organization understands and complies with the legal requirements and regulations that apply to it.

  • Make sure that the board, officers and staff have the necessary skills, experience and diversity to work effectively together.

  • Maintain an effective board that will provide good governance and leadership by behaving with integrity, honesty, and strong ethical principles.

  • Maintain strong financial oversight by keeping complete, accurate and current financial records.

  • All contributions will be used for the purposes consistent with the donor’s intent, e.g., all scholarship donations will go towards specific educational causes and all donations made for operating costs will be used to pay operational costs.

  • Keep operating expenses to a minimum, e.g., all board members and officers have agreed to serve without compensation, with exception to the secretary, and have donated their time, money and energy to support the mission of AMA.

  • Research and invest in new projects that will result in long-term benefits to education.

  • Conduct responsible fundraising by making sure that solicitation materials and other communications addressed to donors and the public identify AMA and are accurate and truthful.

  • The organization will respect the privacy of individual donors, except where disclosure is required by law and will not otherwise make personal information available without their approval.

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